Tobii Pro SDK Python API
All functionality is in this module. More...
Data Structures | |
class | CalibrationChangedData |
class | CalibrationEyeData |
Represents the calibration sample data collected for one eye. More... | |
class | CalibrationModeEnteredData |
class | CalibrationModeLeftData |
class | CalibrationPoint |
Represents the calibration point and its collected calibration samples. More... | |
class | CalibrationResult |
Represents the result of the calculated calibration. More... | |
class | CalibrationSample |
Represents the data collected for a calibration sample. More... | |
class | ConnectionLostData |
Provides data the EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_CONNECTION_LOST callback. More... | |
class | ConnectionRestoredData |
class | DeviceFaultsData |
Provides data the EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_DEVICE_FAULTS callback. More... | |
class | DeviceWarningsData |
Provides data the EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_DEVICE_WARNINGS callback. More... | |
class | DisplayArea |
Represents the corners of the active display area in the user coordinate system, and its size. More... | |
class | DisplayAreaChangedData |
Provides data the EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_DISPLAY_AREA_CHANGED callback. More... | |
class | ExternalSignalData |
Provides data for external signal. More... | |
class | EyeData |
Provides properties for the eye data. More... | |
class | EyeImageData |
Provides data for the eye image callback. More... | |
class | EyeTracker |
Provides methods and properties to manage and get data from an eye tracker. More... | |
class | EyeTrackerConnectionFailedError |
Is thrown when connection to an eye tracker is lost or could not be established. More... | |
class | EyeTrackerDisplayAreaNotValidError |
Is thrown if the display area isn't valid. More... | |
class | EyeTrackerFeatureNotSupportedError |
Is thrown when a feature is not supported for an eye tracker. More... | |
class | EyeTrackerInternalError |
Is thrown on internal errors in the API. More... | |
class | EyeTrackerInvalidOperationError |
Is thrown when the user tries to do an invalid operation. More... | |
class | EyeTrackerLicenseError |
Is thrown when there is an insufficient license level when using a restricted feature. More... | |
class | EyeTrackerOperationFailedError |
Is thrown when an eye tracker cannot execute a requested operation. More... | |
class | EyeTrackerSavedLicenseFailedToApplyError |
Is thrown if the eye tracker has a license saved, but it failed to apply. More... | |
class | EyeTrackerUnavailableError |
Is thrown if the eye tracker is unavailable. More... | |
class | EyeTrackingModeChangedData |
class | FailedLicense |
Represents a license that failed. More... | |
class | GazeData |
Provides data for gaze. More... | |
class | GazeOrigin |
Provides properties for the gaze origin. More... | |
class | GazeOutputFrequencyChangedData |
class | GazePoint |
Provides properties for the gaze point. More... | |
class | HMDBasedCalibration |
Represents the calibration data used by the eye tracker. More... | |
class | HMDCalibrationResult |
Represents the result of the HMD based calibration. More... | |
class | HMDEyeData |
Provides properties for the eye data when gotten from an HMD based device. More... | |
class | HMDGazeData |
Provides data for the HMD gaze. More... | |
class | HMDGazeDirection |
Provides properties for the HMD gaze direction. More... | |
class | HMDGazeOrigin |
Provides properties for the HMD gaze origin A HMDGazeOrigin object is used as value for HMDEyeData.gaze_origin. More... | |
class | HMDLensConfiguration |
Represents the lens configuration of the HMD device. More... | |
class | HMDPupilPosition |
Provides properties for the HMD pupil position. More... | |
class | LicenseKey |
Represents the eye tracker license key. More... | |
class | PupilData |
Provides properties for the pupil data. More... | |
class | ScreenBasedCalibration |
Provides methods and properties for managing calibrations for screen based eye trackers. More... | |
class | ScreenBasedMonocularCalibration |
Provides methods and properties for managing monocular and bi-monocular calibrations for screen based eye trackers. More... | |
class | StreamErrorData |
Provides information about a stream error. More... | |
class | TimeSynchronizationData |
Provides data for the time synchronization callback. More... | |
class | TrackBox |
Represents the eight corners in user coordinate system that together forms the track box. More... | |
class | TrackBoxChangedData |
Provides data the EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_TRACK_BOX_CHANGED callback. More... | |
class | UserPosition |
Provides properties for the user position. More... | |
class | UserPositionGuide |
Provides data for the user position guide. More... | |
Functions | |
def | find_all_eyetrackers () |
Finds eye trackers connected to the computer or the network. More... | |
def | get_system_time_stamp () |
Retrieves the time stamp from the system clock in microseconds. More... | |
Variables | |
string | CALIBRATION_STATUS_FAILURE = "calibration_status_failure" |
Indicates that the calibration process failed. More... | |
string | CALIBRATION_STATUS_SUCCESS = "calibration_status_success" |
Indicates that the calibration process succeeded for both eyes. More... | |
string | CALIBRATION_STATUS_SUCCESS_LEFT_EYE = "calibration_status_success_left_eye" |
Indicates that the calibration process succeeded for the left eye. More... | |
string | CALIBRATION_STATUS_SUCCESS_RIGHT_EYE = "calibration_status_success_right_eye" |
Indicates that the calibration process succeeded for the right eye. More... | |
string | VALIDITY_INVALID_AND_NOT_USED = "validity_invalid_and_not_used" |
The eye tracking failed or the calibration eye data is invalid. More... | |
string | VALIDITY_VALID_BUT_NOT_USED = "validity_valid_but_not_used" |
Eye tracking was successful, but the calibration eye data was not used in calibration e.g. More... | |
string | VALIDITY_VALID_AND_USED = "validity_valid_and_used" |
The calibration eye data was valid and used in calibration. More... | |
string | EXTERNAL_SIGNAL_CHANGE_TYPE_VALUE_CHANGED = "external_signal_change_type_value_changed" |
Indicates that the value sent to the eye tracker has changed. More... | |
string | EXTERNAL_SIGNAL_CHANGE_TYPE_INITIAL_VALUE = "external_signal_change_type_initial_value" |
Indicates that the value is the initial value, and is received when starting a subscription. More... | |
string | EXTERNAL_SIGNAL_CHANGE_TYPE_CONNECTION_RESTORED = "external_signal_change_type_connection_restored" |
Indicates that there has been a connection lost and now it is restored and the value is the current value. More... | |
string | EYE_IMAGE_TYPE_FULL = "eye_image_type_full" |
Indicates that the eye tracker could not identify the eyes, and the image is the full image. More... | |
string | EYE_IMAGE_TYPE_CROPPED = "eye_image_type_cropped" |
Indicates that the image is cropped and shows the eyes. More... | |
string | EYE_IMAGE_TYPE_MULTI_ROI = "eye_image_type_multi_roi" |
Indicates that the image is part of a group of regions of interest. More... | |
string | EYE_IMAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = "eye_image_type_unknown" |
Indicates an unknown image type. More... | |
string | CAPABILITY_CAN_SET_DISPLAY_AREA = "capability_can_set_display_area" |
Indicates that the device can have display areas set. More... | |
string | CAPABILITY_HAS_EXTERNAL_SIGNAL = "capability_has_external_signal" |
Indicates that the device can deliver an external signal stream. More... | |
string | CAPABILITY_HAS_EYE_IMAGES = "capability_has_eye_images" |
Indicates that the device can deliver an eye image stream. More... | |
string | CAPABILITY_HAS_GAZE_DATA = "capability_has_gaze_data" |
Indicates that the device can deliver a gaze data stream. More... | |
string | CAPABILITY_HAS_HMD_GAZE_DATA = "capability_has_hmd_gaze_data" |
Indicates that the device can deliver a HMD gaze data stream. More... | |
string | CAPABILITY_CAN_DO_SCREEN_BASED_CALIBRATION = "capability_can_do_screen_based_calibration" |
Indicates that screen based calibration can be performed on the device. More... | |
string | CAPABILITY_CAN_DO_HMD_BASED_CALIBRATION = "capability_can_do_hmd_based_calibration" |
Indicates that HMD based calibration can be performed on the device. More... | |
string | CAPABILITY_CAN_DO_MONOCULAR_CALIBRATION = "capability_can_do_monocular_calibration" |
Indicates that monocular calibration can be performed on the device. More... | |
string | CAPABILITY_HAS_HMD_LENS_CONFIG = "capability_has_hmd_lens_config" |
Indicates that it's possible to get and set the HMD lens configuration on the device. More... | |
string | EYETRACKER_EXTERNAL_SIGNAL = "eyetracker_external_signal" |
Used in EyeTracker.subscribe_to and EyeTracker.unsubscribe_from for external signal. More... | |
string | EYETRACKER_EYE_IMAGES = "eyetracker_eye_images" |
Used in EyeTracker.subscribe_to and EyeTracker.unsubscribe_from for eye images. More... | |
string | EYETRACKER_GAZE_DATA = "eyetracker_gaze_data" |
Used in EyeTracker.subscribe_to and EyeTracker.unsubscribe_from for gaze data. More... | |
string | EYETRACKER_USER_POSITION_GUIDE = "eyetracker_user_position_guide" |
Used in EyeTracker.subscribe_to and EyeTracker.unsubscribe_from for gaze data. More... | |
string | EYETRACKER_HMD_GAZE_DATA = "eyetracker_hmd_gaze_data" |
Used in EyeTracker.subscribe_to and EyeTracker.unsubscribe_from for gaze data. More... | |
string | EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_CALIBRATION_MODE_ENTERED = "eyetracker_notification_calibration_mode_entered" |
Used in EyeTracker.subscribe_to and EyeTracker.unsubscribe_from for calibration mode entered messages. More... | |
string | EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_CALIBRATION_MODE_LEFT = "eyetracker_notification_calibration_mode_left" |
Used in EyeTracker.subscribe_to and EyeTracker.unsubscribe_from for calibration mode left messages. More... | |
string | EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_CALIBRATION_CHANGED = "eyetracker_notification_calibration_changed" |
Used in EyeTracker.subscribe_to and EyeTracker.unsubscribe_from for calibration changed messages. More... | |
string | EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_CONNECTION_LOST = "eyetracker_notification_connection_lost" |
Used in EyeTracker.subscribe_to and EyeTracker.unsubscribe_from for connection lost messages. More... | |
string | EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_CONNECTION_RESTORED = "eyetracker_notification_connection_restored" |
Used in EyeTracker.subscribe_to and EyeTracker.unsubscribe_from for connection restored messages. More... | |
string | EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_DISPLAY_AREA_CHANGED = "eyetracker_notification_display_area_changed" |
Used in EyeTracker.subscribe_to and EyeTracker.unsubscribe_from for display area changed messages. More... | |
string | EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_GAZE_OUTPUT_FREQUENCY_CHANGED = "eyetracker_notification_gaze_output_frequency_changed" |
Used in EyeTracker.subscribe_to and EyeTracker.unsubscribe_from for gaze output frequency changed messages. More... | |
string | EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_TRACK_BOX_CHANGED = "eyetracker_notification_track_box_changed" |
Used in EyeTracker.subscribe_to and EyeTracker.unsubscribe_from for track box changed messages. More... | |
string | EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_EYE_TRACKING_MODE_CHANGED = "eyetracker_notification_eye_tracking_mode_changed" |
Used in EyeTracker.subscribe_to and EyeTracker.unsubscribe_from for eyetracking mode changed messages. More... | |
string | EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_DEVICE_FAULTS = "eyetracker_notification_device_faults" |
Used in EyeTracker.subscribe_to and EyeTracker.unsubscribe_from for device faults messages. More... | |
string | EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_DEVICE_WARNINGS = "eyetracker_notification_device_warnings" |
Used in EyeTracker.subscribe_to and EyeTracker.unsubscribe_from for device warnings messages. More... | |
string | EYETRACKER_STREAM_ERRORS = "eyetracker_stream_errors" |
Used in EyeTracker.subscribe_to and EyeTracker.unsubscribe_from for stream errors. More... | |
string | EYETRACKER_TIME_SYNCHRONIZATION_DATA = "eyetracker_time_synchronization_data" |
Used in EyeTracker.subscribe_to and EyeTracker.unsubscribe_from for time synchronization data. More... | |
string | LICENSE_TAMPERED = "license_tampered" |
The license is tampered. More... | |
string | LICENSE_INVALID_APPLICATION_SIGNATURE = "license_invalid_application_signature" |
The application signature is invalid. More... | |
string | LICENSE_NONSIGNED_APPLICATION = "license_nonsigned_application" |
The application has not been signed. More... | |
string | LICENSE_EXPIRED = "license_expired" |
The license has expired. More... | |
string | LICENSE_PREMATURE = "license_premature" |
The license is not yet valid. More... | |
string | LICENSE_INVALID_PROCESS_NAME = "license_invalid_process_name" |
The process name does not match the license. More... | |
string | LICENSE_INVALID_SERIAL_NUMBER = "license_invalid_serial_number" |
The serial number does not match the license. More... | |
string | LICENSE_INVALID_MODEL = "license_invalid_model" |
The model does not match the license. More... | |
string | LICENSE_UNKNOWN_ERROR = "license_unknown_error" |
The license validation returned an unexpected result. More... | |
string | SELECTED_EYE_LEFT = "selected_eye_left" |
Indicates that left eye was selected. More... | |
string | SELECTED_EYE_RIGHT = "selected_eye_right" |
Indicates that right eye was selected. More... | |
string | SELECTED_EYE_BOTH = "selected_eye_both" |
Indicates that both eyes were selected. More... | |
All functionality is in this module.
def tobii_research.find_all_eyetrackers | ( | ) |
Finds eye trackers connected to the computer or the network.
Please note that subsequent calls to find_all_eyetrackers() may return the eye trackers in a different order.
EyeTrackerInternalError |
def tobii_research.get_system_time_stamp | ( | ) |
string tobii_research.CALIBRATION_STATUS_FAILURE = "calibration_status_failure" |
Indicates that the calibration process failed.
Value for CalibrationResult.status and return value of collect_data
string tobii_research.CALIBRATION_STATUS_SUCCESS = "calibration_status_success" |
Indicates that the calibration process succeeded for both eyes.
Value for CalibrationResult.status and return value of collect_data
string tobii_research.CALIBRATION_STATUS_SUCCESS_LEFT_EYE = "calibration_status_success_left_eye" |
Indicates that the calibration process succeeded for the left eye.
Value for CalibrationResult.status and return value of collect_data
string tobii_research.CALIBRATION_STATUS_SUCCESS_RIGHT_EYE = "calibration_status_success_right_eye" |
Indicates that the calibration process succeeded for the right eye.
Value for CalibrationResult.status and return value of collect_data
string tobii_research.CAPABILITY_CAN_DO_HMD_BASED_CALIBRATION = "capability_can_do_hmd_based_calibration" |
Indicates that HMD based calibration can be performed on the device.
Value in tuple EyeTracker.device_capabilities
string tobii_research.CAPABILITY_CAN_DO_MONOCULAR_CALIBRATION = "capability_can_do_monocular_calibration" |
Indicates that monocular calibration can be performed on the device.
Value in tuple EyeTracker.device_capabilities
string tobii_research.CAPABILITY_CAN_DO_SCREEN_BASED_CALIBRATION = "capability_can_do_screen_based_calibration" |
Indicates that screen based calibration can be performed on the device.
Value in tuple EyeTracker.device_capabilities
string tobii_research.CAPABILITY_CAN_SET_DISPLAY_AREA = "capability_can_set_display_area" |
string tobii_research.CAPABILITY_HAS_EXTERNAL_SIGNAL = "capability_has_external_signal" |
Indicates that the device can deliver an external signal stream.
Value in tuple EyeTracker.device_capabilities
string tobii_research.CAPABILITY_HAS_EYE_IMAGES = "capability_has_eye_images" |
Indicates that the device can deliver an eye image stream.
Value in tuple EyeTracker.device_capabilities
string tobii_research.CAPABILITY_HAS_GAZE_DATA = "capability_has_gaze_data" |
Indicates that the device can deliver a gaze data stream.
Standard for all screen based eye trackers. Value in tuple EyeTracker.device_capabilities
string tobii_research.CAPABILITY_HAS_HMD_GAZE_DATA = "capability_has_hmd_gaze_data" |
Indicates that the device can deliver a HMD gaze data stream.
Value in tuple EyeTracker.device_capabilities
string tobii_research.CAPABILITY_HAS_HMD_LENS_CONFIG = "capability_has_hmd_lens_config" |
Indicates that it's possible to get and set the HMD lens configuration on the device.
Value in tuple EyeTracker.device_capabilities
string tobii_research.EXTERNAL_SIGNAL_CHANGE_TYPE_CONNECTION_RESTORED = "external_signal_change_type_connection_restored" |
Indicates that there has been a connection lost and now it is restored and the value is the current value.
Value for ExternalSignalData.change_type
string tobii_research.EXTERNAL_SIGNAL_CHANGE_TYPE_INITIAL_VALUE = "external_signal_change_type_initial_value" |
Indicates that the value is the initial value, and is received when starting a subscription.
Value for ExternalSignalData.change_type
string tobii_research.EXTERNAL_SIGNAL_CHANGE_TYPE_VALUE_CHANGED = "external_signal_change_type_value_changed" |
Indicates that the value sent to the eye tracker has changed.
Value for ExternalSignalData.change_type
string tobii_research.EYE_IMAGE_TYPE_CROPPED = "eye_image_type_cropped" |
Indicates that the image is cropped and shows the eyes.
Value for EyeImageData.image_type
string tobii_research.EYE_IMAGE_TYPE_FULL = "eye_image_type_full" |
Indicates that the eye tracker could not identify the eyes, and the image is the full image.
Value for EyeImageData.image_type
string tobii_research.EYE_IMAGE_TYPE_MULTI_ROI = "eye_image_type_multi_roi" |
Indicates that the image is part of a group of regions of interest.
Value for EyeImageData.image_type
string tobii_research.EYE_IMAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = "eye_image_type_unknown" |
Indicates an unknown image type.
Value for EyeImageData.image_type
string tobii_research.EYETRACKER_EXTERNAL_SIGNAL = "eyetracker_external_signal" |
Used in EyeTracker.subscribe_to and EyeTracker.unsubscribe_from for external signal.
You will get a callback when the value of the external signal port (TTL input) on the eye tracker device changes. Not all eye trackers have an output trigger port. The output feature could be used to synchronize the eye tracker data with data from other devices. The output data contains a time reference that matches the time reference on the time synchronized gaze data. Callbacks will receive an ExternalSignalData object or a dictionary with values if as_dictionary is True. See find_all_eyetrackers or EyeTracker.__init__ on how to create an EyeTracker object.
string tobii_research.EYETRACKER_EYE_IMAGES = "eyetracker_eye_images" |
Used in EyeTracker.subscribe_to and EyeTracker.unsubscribe_from for eye images.
You will get a callback when a new eye image is received, and the occurrence depends on the eye tracker model. Not all eye tracker models support this feature. If no one is listening to gaze data, the eye tracker will only deliver full images, otherwise either cropped or full images will be delivered depending on whether or not the eye tracker has detected eyes. Callbacks will receive an EyeImageData object or a dictionary with values if as_dictionary is True.
string tobii_research.EYETRACKER_GAZE_DATA = "eyetracker_gaze_data" |
Used in EyeTracker.subscribe_to and EyeTracker.unsubscribe_from for gaze data.
You will get a callback when time synchronized gaze is received. Time synchronized gaze is not supported on all eye trackers, other eye trackers need additional license to activate this support. Callbacks will receive a GazeData object or a dictionary with values if as_dictionary is True. See find_all_eyetrackers or EyeTracker.__init__ on how to create an EyeTracker object.
string tobii_research.EYETRACKER_HMD_GAZE_DATA = "eyetracker_hmd_gaze_data" |
Used in EyeTracker.subscribe_to and EyeTracker.unsubscribe_from for gaze data.
You will get a callback when time synchronized HMD gaze is received. Time synchronized HMD gaze is not supported on all eye trackers. Callbacks will receive a HMDGazeData object or a dictionary with values if as_dictionary is True. See find_all_eyetrackers or EyeTracker.__init__ on how to create an EyeTracker object.
string tobii_research.EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_CALIBRATION_CHANGED = "eyetracker_notification_calibration_changed" |
Used in EyeTracker.subscribe_to and EyeTracker.unsubscribe_from for calibration changed messages.
You will get a callback when the calibration is changed. Callbacks will receive a CalibrationChangedData object or a dictionary with values if as_dictionary is True. See find_all_eyetrackers or EyeTracker.__init__ on how to create an EyeTracker object.
string tobii_research.EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_CALIBRATION_MODE_ENTERED = "eyetracker_notification_calibration_mode_entered" |
Used in EyeTracker.subscribe_to and EyeTracker.unsubscribe_from for calibration mode entered messages.
You will get a callback when calibration mode is entered. Callbacks will receive a CalibrationModeEnteredData object or a dictionary with values if as_dictionary is True. See find_all_eyetrackers or EyeTracker.__init__ on how to create an EyeTracker object.
string tobii_research.EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_CALIBRATION_MODE_LEFT = "eyetracker_notification_calibration_mode_left" |
Used in EyeTracker.subscribe_to and EyeTracker.unsubscribe_from for calibration mode left messages.
You will get a callback when calibration mode is left. Callbacks will receive a CalibrationModeLeftData object or a dictionary with values if as_dictionary is True. See find_all_eyetrackers or EyeTracker.__init__ on how to create an EyeTracker object.
string tobii_research.EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_CONNECTION_LOST = "eyetracker_notification_connection_lost" |
Used in EyeTracker.subscribe_to and EyeTracker.unsubscribe_from for connection lost messages.
You will get a callback when connection to the eye tracker is lost. Callbacks will receive a ConnectionLostData object or a dictionary with values if as_dictionary is True. See find_all_eyetrackers or EyeTracker.__init__ on how to create an EyeTracker object.
string tobii_research.EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_CONNECTION_RESTORED = "eyetracker_notification_connection_restored" |
Used in EyeTracker.subscribe_to and EyeTracker.unsubscribe_from for connection restored messages.
You will get a callback when connection to the eye tracker is restored. Callbacks will receive a ConnectionRestoredData object or a dictionary with values if as_dictionary is True. See find_all_eyetrackers or EyeTracker.__init__ on how to create an EyeTracker object.
string tobii_research.EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_DEVICE_FAULTS = "eyetracker_notification_device_faults" |
Used in EyeTracker.subscribe_to and EyeTracker.unsubscribe_from for device faults messages.
You will get a callback when new faults are received. Callbacks will receive a DeviceFaultsData object or a dictionary with values if as_dictionary is True. The faults information consists of a comma seprated string. See find_all_eyetrackers or EyeTracker.__init__ on how to create an EyeTracker object.
string tobii_research.EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_DEVICE_WARNINGS = "eyetracker_notification_device_warnings" |
Used in EyeTracker.subscribe_to and EyeTracker.unsubscribe_from for device warnings messages.
You will get a callback when new warnings are received. Callbacks will receive a DeviceWarningsData object or a dictionary with values if as_dictionary is True. The warnings information consists of a comma seprated string. See find_all_eyetrackers or EyeTracker.__init__ on how to create an EyeTracker object.
string tobii_research.EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_DISPLAY_AREA_CHANGED = "eyetracker_notification_display_area_changed" |
Used in EyeTracker.subscribe_to and EyeTracker.unsubscribe_from for display area changed messages.
You will get a callback when the display area is changed. Callbacks will receive a DisplayAreaChangedData object or a dictionary with values if as_dictionary is True. See find_all_eyetrackers or EyeTracker.__init__ on how to create an EyeTracker object.
string tobii_research.EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_EYE_TRACKING_MODE_CHANGED = "eyetracker_notification_eye_tracking_mode_changed" |
Used in EyeTracker.subscribe_to and EyeTracker.unsubscribe_from for eyetracking mode changed messages.
You will get a callback when the eyetracking mode is changed. Callbacks will receive a EyeTrackingModeChangedData object or a dictionary with values if as_dictionary is True. See find_all_eyetrackers or EyeTracker.__init__ on how to create an EyeTracker object.
string tobii_research.EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_GAZE_OUTPUT_FREQUENCY_CHANGED = "eyetracker_notification_gaze_output_frequency_changed" |
Used in EyeTracker.subscribe_to and EyeTracker.unsubscribe_from for gaze output frequency changed messages.
You will get a callback when the gaze output frequency is changed. Callbacks will receive a GazeOutputFrequencyChangedData object or a dictionary with values if as_dictionary is True. See find_all_eyetrackers or EyeTracker.__init__ on how to create an EyeTracker object.
string tobii_research.EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_TRACK_BOX_CHANGED = "eyetracker_notification_track_box_changed" |
Used in EyeTracker.subscribe_to and EyeTracker.unsubscribe_from for track box changed messages.
You will get a callback when the track box is changed. Callbacks will receive a TrackBoxChangedData object or a dictionary with values if as_dictionary is True. See find_all_eyetrackers or EyeTracker.__init__ on how to create an EyeTracker object.
string tobii_research.EYETRACKER_STREAM_ERRORS = "eyetracker_stream_errors" |
Used in EyeTracker.subscribe_to and EyeTracker.unsubscribe_from for stream errors.
You will get a callback when an error occurs on other streams. You can get errors when subscribing, when something happened to the connection in the stream pump or when an error was raised in a callback. Callbacks will receive a StreamErrorData object or a dictionary with values if as_dictionary is True.
string tobii_research.EYETRACKER_TIME_SYNCHRONIZATION_DATA = "eyetracker_time_synchronization_data" |
Used in EyeTracker.subscribe_to and EyeTracker.unsubscribe_from for time synchronization data.
You will get a callback when the computer and the eye trackers clocks gets synchronized. To handle normal drifts between clocks the clocks are checked on regular basis, and this results in that the time stamps are adjusted for the drifts in the data streams. This drift handling is done in real time. The data received from this event could be used for an even more accurate drift adjustment in the post processing. Callbacks will receive a TimeSynchronizationData object or a dictionary with values if as_dictionary is True. See find_all_eyetrackers or EyeTracker.__init__ on how to create an EyeTracker object.
string tobii_research.EYETRACKER_USER_POSITION_GUIDE = "eyetracker_user_position_guide" |
Used in EyeTracker.subscribe_to and EyeTracker.unsubscribe_from for gaze data.
Callbacks will receive a UserPositionGuide, object or a dictionary with values if as_dictionary is True. See find_all_eyetrackers or EyeTracker.__init__ on how to create an EyeTracker object.
string tobii_research.LICENSE_EXPIRED = "license_expired" |
The license has expired.
Value for FailedLicense.validation_result
string tobii_research.LICENSE_INVALID_APPLICATION_SIGNATURE = "license_invalid_application_signature" |
The application signature is invalid.
Value for FailedLicense.validation_result
string tobii_research.LICENSE_INVALID_MODEL = "license_invalid_model" |
The model does not match the license.
Value for FailedLicense.validation_result
string tobii_research.LICENSE_INVALID_PROCESS_NAME = "license_invalid_process_name" |
The process name does not match the license.
Value for FailedLicense.validation_result
string tobii_research.LICENSE_INVALID_SERIAL_NUMBER = "license_invalid_serial_number" |
The serial number does not match the license.
Value for FailedLicense.validation_result
string tobii_research.LICENSE_NONSIGNED_APPLICATION = "license_nonsigned_application" |
The application has not been signed.
Value for FailedLicense.validation_result
string tobii_research.LICENSE_PREMATURE = "license_premature" |
The license is not yet valid.
Value for FailedLicense.validation_result
string tobii_research.LICENSE_TAMPERED = "license_tampered" |
The license is tampered.
Value for FailedLicense.validation_result
string tobii_research.LICENSE_UNKNOWN_ERROR = "license_unknown_error" |
The license validation returned an unexpected result.
Value for FailedLicense.validation_result
string tobii_research.SELECTED_EYE_BOTH = "selected_eye_both" |
Indicates that both eyes were selected.
Value for the input of ScreenBasedMonocularCalibration methods
string tobii_research.SELECTED_EYE_LEFT = "selected_eye_left" |
Indicates that left eye was selected.
Value for the input of ScreenBasedMonocularCalibration methods
string tobii_research.SELECTED_EYE_RIGHT = "selected_eye_right" |
Indicates that right eye was selected.
Value for the input of ScreenBasedMonocularCalibration methods
string tobii_research.VALIDITY_INVALID_AND_NOT_USED = "validity_invalid_and_not_used" |
The eye tracking failed or the calibration eye data is invalid.
Value for CalibrationEyeData.validity
string tobii_research.VALIDITY_VALID_AND_USED = "validity_valid_and_used" |
The calibration eye data was valid and used in calibration.
Value for CalibrationEyeData.validity
string tobii_research.VALIDITY_VALID_BUT_NOT_USED = "validity_valid_but_not_used" |
Eye tracking was successful, but the calibration eye data was not used in calibration e.g.
gaze was too far away. Value for CalibrationEyeData.validity