TOBII_RESEARCH_API TobiiResearchStatus TOBII_RESEARCH_CALL | tobii_research_screen_based_calibration_enter_calibration_mode (TobiiResearchEyeTracker *eyetracker) |
| Enters the screen based calibration mode and the eye tracker is made ready for collecting data and calculating new calibrations. More...
TOBII_RESEARCH_API TobiiResearchStatus TOBII_RESEARCH_CALL | tobii_research_screen_based_calibration_leave_calibration_mode (TobiiResearchEyeTracker *eyetracker) |
| Leaves the screen based calibration mode. More...
TOBII_RESEARCH_API TobiiResearchStatus TOBII_RESEARCH_CALL | tobii_research_screen_based_calibration_collect_data (TobiiResearchEyeTracker *eyetracker, float x, float y) |
| Starts collecting data for a calibration point. More...
TOBII_RESEARCH_API TobiiResearchStatus TOBII_RESEARCH_CALL | tobii_research_screen_based_calibration_discard_data (TobiiResearchEyeTracker *eyetracker, float x, float y) |
| Removes the collected data associated with a specific calibration point. More...
TOBII_RESEARCH_API TobiiResearchStatus TOBII_RESEARCH_CALL | tobii_research_screen_based_calibration_compute_and_apply (TobiiResearchEyeTracker *eyetracker, TobiiResearchCalibrationResult **result) |
| Uses the collected data and tries to compute calibration parameters. More...
TOBII_RESEARCH_API void TOBII_RESEARCH_CALL | tobii_research_free_screen_based_calibration_result (TobiiResearchCalibrationResult *result) |
| Free memory allocation for the calibration result received via tobii_research_screen_based_calibration_compute_and_apply. More...
TOBII_RESEARCH_API TobiiResearchStatus TOBII_RESEARCH_CALL | tobii_research_screen_based_monocular_calibration_collect_data (TobiiResearchEyeTracker *eyetracker, float x, float y, TobiiResearchSelectedEye eye_to_calibrate, TobiiResearchSelectedEye *collected_eyes) |
| Starts collecting data for a calibration point. More...
TOBII_RESEARCH_API TobiiResearchStatus TOBII_RESEARCH_CALL | tobii_research_screen_based_monocular_calibration_discard_data (TobiiResearchEyeTracker *eyetracker, float x, float y, TobiiResearchSelectedEye eye_to_calibrate) |
| Removes the collected data associated with a specific calibration point. More...
TOBII_RESEARCH_API TobiiResearchStatus TOBII_RESEARCH_CALL | tobii_research_screen_based_monocular_calibration_compute_and_apply (TobiiResearchEyeTracker *eyetracker, TobiiResearchCalibrationResult **result) |
| Uses the collected data and tries to compute calibration parameters. More...
TOBII_RESEARCH_API TobiiResearchStatus TOBII_RESEARCH_CALL | tobii_research_hmd_based_calibration_enter_calibration_mode (TobiiResearchEyeTracker *eyetracker) |
| Enters the hmd based calibration mode and the eye tracker is made ready for collecting data and calculating new calibrations. More...
TOBII_RESEARCH_API TobiiResearchStatus TOBII_RESEARCH_CALL | tobii_research_hmd_based_calibration_leave_calibration_mode (TobiiResearchEyeTracker *eyetracker) |
| Leaves the hmd based calibration mode. More...
TOBII_RESEARCH_API TobiiResearchStatus TOBII_RESEARCH_CALL | tobii_research_hmd_based_calibration_collect_data (TobiiResearchEyeTracker *eyetracker, float x, float y, float z) |
| Starts collecting data for a calibration point. More...
TOBII_RESEARCH_API TobiiResearchStatus TOBII_RESEARCH_CALL | tobii_research_hmd_based_calibration_compute_and_apply (TobiiResearchEyeTracker *eyetracker, TobiiResearchHMDCalibrationResult *result) |
| Uses the collected data and tries to compute calibration parameters. More...
Functionality for implementing calibration.
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2017 TOBII AB - KARLSROVAGEN 2D, DANDERYD 182 53, SWEDEN - All Rights Reserved.
NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains, the property of Tobii AB and its suppliers, if any. The intellectual and technical concepts contained herein are proprietary to Tobii AB and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S.and Foreign Patents, patent applications, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden unless prior written permission is obtained from Tobii AB.