Here is a list of all documented struct and union fields with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- _ -
- a -
- b -
- c -
- d -
- e -
- f -
- g -
- h -
- i -
- k -
- l -
- m -
- p -
- r -
- s -
- serial_number
: tobii_research.EyeTracker
- set_device_name()
: tobii_research.EyeTracker
- set_display_area()
: tobii_research.EyeTracker
- set_eye_tracking_mode()
: tobii_research.EyeTracker
- set_gaze_output_frequency()
: tobii_research.EyeTracker
- set_hmd_lens_configuration()
: tobii_research.EyeTracker
- status
: tobii_research.CalibrationResult
, tobii_research.HMDCalibrationResult
- subscribe_to()
: tobii_research.EyeTracker
- system_time_stamp
: tobii_research.CalibrationChangedData
, tobii_research.CalibrationModeEnteredData
, tobii_research.CalibrationModeLeftData
, tobii_research.ConnectionLostData
, tobii_research.ConnectionRestoredData
, tobii_research.DeviceFaultsData
, tobii_research.DeviceWarningsData
, tobii_research.DisplayAreaChangedData
, tobii_research.ExternalSignalData
, tobii_research.EyeImageData
, tobii_research.EyeTrackingModeChangedData
, tobii_research.GazeData
, tobii_research.GazeOutputFrequencyChangedData
, tobii_research.HMDGazeData
, tobii_research.TrackBoxChangedData
- t -
- u -
- v -
- w -