Tobii Pro SDK Python API
▼Ntobii_research | All functionality is in this module |
CCalibrationChangedData | Provides data the EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_CALIBRATION_CHANGED callback |
CCalibrationEyeData | Represents the calibration sample data collected for one eye |
CCalibrationModeEnteredData | Provides data the EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_CALIBRATION_MODE_ENTERED callback |
CCalibrationModeLeftData | Provides data the EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_CALIBRATION_MODE_LEFT callback |
CCalibrationPoint | Represents the calibration point and its collected calibration samples |
CCalibrationResult | Represents the result of the calculated calibration |
CCalibrationSample | Represents the data collected for a calibration sample |
CConnectionLostData | Provides data the EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_CONNECTION_LOST callback |
CConnectionRestoredData | Provides data the EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_CONNECTION_RESTORED callback |
CDeviceFaultsData | Provides data the EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_DEVICE_FAULTS callback |
CDeviceWarningsData | Provides data the EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_DEVICE_WARNINGS callback |
CDisplayArea | Represents the corners in space of the active display area, and its size |
CDisplayAreaChangedData | Provides data the EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_DISPLAY_AREA_CHANGED callback |
CExternalSignalData | Provides data for external signal |
CEyeData | Provides properties for the eye data |
CEyeImageData | Provides data for the eye image callback |
CEyeTracker | Provides methods and properties to manage and get data from an eye tracker |
CEyeTrackerConnectionFailedError | Is thrown when connection to an eye tracker is lost or could not be established |
CEyeTrackerDisplayAreaNotValidError | Is thrown if the display area isn't valid |
CEyeTrackerFeatureNotSupportedError | Is thrown when a feature is not supported for an eye tracker |
CEyeTrackerInternalError | Is thrown on internal errors in the API |
CEyeTrackerInvalidOperationError | Is thrown when the user tries to do an invalid operation |
CEyeTrackerLicenseError | Is thrown when there is an insufficient license level when using a restricted feature |
CEyeTrackerOperationFailedError | Is thrown when an eye tracker cannot execute a requested operation |
CEyeTrackerSavedLicenseFailedToApplyError | Is thrown if the eye tracker has a license saved, but it failed to apply |
CEyeTrackerUnavailableError | Is thrown if the eye tracker is unavailable |
CEyeTrackingModeChangedData | Provides data the EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_EYE_TRACKING_MODE_CHANGED callback |
CFailedLicense | Represents a license that failed |
CGazeData | Provides data for gaze |
CGazeOrigin | Provides properties for the gaze origin |
CGazeOutputFrequencyChangedData | Provides data the EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_GAZE_OUTPUT_FREQUENCY_CHANGED callback |
CGazePoint | Provides properties for the gaze point |
CHMDBasedCalibration | Represents the calibration data used by the eye tracker |
CHMDCalibrationResult | Represents the result of the HMD based calibration |
CHMDEyeData | Provides properties for the eye data when gotten from an HMD based device |
CHMDGazeData | Provides data for the HMD gaze |
CHMDGazeDirection | Provides properties for the HMD gaze direction |
CHMDGazeOrigin | Provides properties for the HMD gaze origin A HMDGazeOrigin object is used as value for HMDEyeData.gaze_origin |
CHMDLensConfiguration | Represents the lens configuration of the HMD device |
CHMDPupilPosition | Provides properties for the HMD pupil position |
CLicenseKey | Represents the eye tracker license key |
CPupilData | Provides properties for the pupil data |
CScreenBasedCalibration | Provides methods and properties for managing calibrations for screen based eye trackers |
CScreenBasedMonocularCalibration | Provides methods and properties for managing monocular and bi-monocular calibrations for screen based eye trackers |
CStreamErrorData | Provides information about a stream error |
CTimeSynchronizationData | Provides data for the time synchronization callback |
CTrackBox | Represents the eight corners in user coordinate system that together forms the track box |
CTrackBoxChangedData | Provides data the EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_TRACK_BOX_CHANGED callback |
CUserPosition | Provides properties for the user position |
CUserPositionGuide | Provides data for the user position guide |