Tobii Pro SDK Python API
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 Ntobii_researchAll functionality is in this module
 CCalibrationChangedDataProvides data the EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_CALIBRATION_CHANGED callback
 CCalibrationEyeDataRepresents the calibration sample data collected for one eye
 CCalibrationModeEnteredDataProvides data the EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_CALIBRATION_MODE_ENTERED callback
 CCalibrationModeLeftDataProvides data the EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_CALIBRATION_MODE_LEFT callback
 CCalibrationPointRepresents the calibration point and its collected calibration samples
 CCalibrationResultRepresents the result of the calculated calibration
 CCalibrationSampleRepresents the data collected for a calibration sample
 CConnectionLostDataProvides data the EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_CONNECTION_LOST callback
 CConnectionRestoredDataProvides data the EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_CONNECTION_RESTORED callback
 CDeviceFaultsDataProvides data the EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_DEVICE_FAULTS callback
 CDeviceWarningsDataProvides data the EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_DEVICE_WARNINGS callback
 CDisplayAreaRepresents the corners in space of the active display area, and its size
 CDisplayAreaChangedDataProvides data the EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_DISPLAY_AREA_CHANGED callback
 CExternalSignalDataProvides data for external signal
 CEyeDataProvides properties for the eye data
 CEyeImageDataProvides data for the eye image callback
 CEyeTrackerProvides methods and properties to manage and get data from an eye tracker
 CEyeTrackerConnectionFailedErrorIs thrown when connection to an eye tracker is lost or could not be established
 CEyeTrackerDisplayAreaNotValidErrorIs thrown if the display area isn't valid
 CEyeTrackerFeatureNotSupportedErrorIs thrown when a feature is not supported for an eye tracker
 CEyeTrackerInternalErrorIs thrown on internal errors in the API
 CEyeTrackerInvalidOperationErrorIs thrown when the user tries to do an invalid operation
 CEyeTrackerLicenseErrorIs thrown when there is an insufficient license level when using a restricted feature
 CEyeTrackerOperationFailedErrorIs thrown when an eye tracker cannot execute a requested operation
 CEyeTrackerSavedLicenseFailedToApplyErrorIs thrown if the eye tracker has a license saved, but it failed to apply
 CEyeTrackerUnavailableErrorIs thrown if the eye tracker is unavailable
 CEyeTrackingModeChangedDataProvides data the EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_EYE_TRACKING_MODE_CHANGED callback
 CFailedLicenseRepresents a license that failed
 CGazeDataProvides data for gaze
 CGazeOriginProvides properties for the gaze origin
 CGazeOutputFrequencyChangedDataProvides data the EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_GAZE_OUTPUT_FREQUENCY_CHANGED callback
 CGazePointProvides properties for the gaze point
 CHMDBasedCalibrationRepresents the calibration data used by the eye tracker
 CHMDCalibrationResultRepresents the result of the HMD based calibration
 CHMDEyeDataProvides properties for the eye data when gotten from an HMD based device
 CHMDGazeDataProvides data for the HMD gaze
 CHMDGazeDirectionProvides properties for the HMD gaze direction
 CHMDGazeOriginProvides properties for the HMD gaze origin A HMDGazeOrigin object is used as value for HMDEyeData.gaze_origin
 CHMDLensConfigurationRepresents the lens configuration of the HMD device
 CHMDPupilPositionProvides properties for the HMD pupil position
 CLicenseKeyRepresents the eye tracker license key
 CPupilDataProvides properties for the pupil data
 CScreenBasedCalibrationProvides methods and properties for managing calibrations for screen based eye trackers
 CScreenBasedMonocularCalibrationProvides methods and properties for managing monocular and bi-monocular calibrations for screen based eye trackers
 CStreamErrorDataProvides information about a stream error
 CTimeSynchronizationDataProvides data for the time synchronization callback
 CTrackBoxRepresents the eight corners in user coordinate system that together forms the track box
 CTrackBoxChangedDataProvides data the EYETRACKER_NOTIFICATION_TRACK_BOX_CHANGED callback
 CUserPositionProvides properties for the user position
 CUserPositionGuideProvides data for the user position guide